New Immigration Research
The public debate over the proposed RAISE Act which would cut legal immigration in half has
generated broad opposition from researchers and advocates. Time Magazine ran a nice article
by Jasso
Time Magazine, The plan to cut legal family immigration may leave America’s workforce less skilled
To counter the misinformed and misguided Trump-Sessions-Miller attacks on U.S. immigration, research new and old is getting more attention.
In response the RAISE proposal (don’t ask)
A Freakonomics rerun from last November “How to Make a Bad Decision” discusses how different judges decide asylum cases…
…strategy, which my brain is not very good at doing. Most people’s brains are not.
DUBNER: It’s an interesting paradox, that it takes a pretty smart person to recognize how…”How to Make a Bad Decision”
November 16, 2016 @ 11:00pm by STEPHEN J. DUBNER
Robert Putnam on Social trust
Time Magazine, The plan to cut legal family immigration may leave America’s workforce less skilled
Social Capital and immigration
Robert Putnam discusses diversity and trust (social capital)
The next