General GIS Data Resources
- MIT geospatial library
- Harvard geospatial library
- Tufts GIS Tutorials
- GIS Training Manual for Historians and Historical Social Scientists
- Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI) ArcGIS tutorials
- Introduction to GIS Mapping and ESRI’s ArcGIS Software
- Finding GIS Data and Preparing it for Use Finding GIS Data and Preparing it for Use
- Raster: The ‘Other’ GIS Data Raster: The ‘Other’ GIS Data
- A Gentle Introduction to GIS
- GIS Programming and Automation (Open Access Online Class, PennState )
- Python Scripting for ArcGIS
GIS for Economists
- Melissa Dell, GIS Analysis for Applied Economists
- Kudamatsu’s Course: ArcGIS 10 for Economics Research
- Night Lights and ArcGIS: A Brief Guide
- CIESIN Thematic Guide to Night-time Light Remote Sensing and its Applications
Open Source GIS Software
There are many open source GIS applications. Here is a list of some of the best known opensource GIS packages. For an extensive but somewhat dated list of 50+ see
- GeoDa:
- GRASS (Geographic Resources Analysis Support System)
- gvSIG (Generalitat Valenciana, Sistema d’Informació Geogràfica)
- Idrisi 16 QGIS – Formerly Quantum GIS
- Others: ERDAS Imagine; JUMP; KOSMO; MapWindow GIS; PCI Geomatica; ILWI; SAGA (System for Automated GeoScientific Analysis); uDig and Whitebox GAT.
Dealing with GIS Data in Stata
- Spatial Data Analysis in Stata
- Stata in space: Econometric analysis of spatially explicit raster data
Dealing with GIS Data in R
- For a list R spatial packages see the Analysis of Spatial Data library
- Common R packages for GIS are:
- Basic GIS in R tutorials
- Advanced GIS in R tutorials
- Introduction to visualizing spatial data in R
- Analyzing spatial point patterns in R
- Spatial Regression Analysis in R: A Workbook
- GIS with R, or without ArcGIS! (NYU)
Books and Series
- Geospatial Analysis – A comprehensive guide (Free, online)
- Concepts and Techniques in Modern Geography (CATMOG)
DHS: Geospatial Demographic and Health Survey
- DHS Reports on Geospatial analysis data use:
- Other DHS analytical reports using spatial data:
- Geographic Variation in Key Indicators of Maternal and Child Health Across 27 Countries in Sub-Saharan Africa
- The Relationship between the Health Service Environment and Service Utilization: Linking Population Data to Health Facilities Data in Haiti and Malawi
- Improving Estimates of Insecticide-Treated Mosquito Net Coverage from Household Surveys: Using Geographic Coordinates to Account for Endemicity and Seasonality
- Other Useful DHS Websites
Economics Papers in this Field
- Chen, X and W D Nordhaus (2011) “Using luminosity data as a proxy for economic statistics”, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
- Elvidge, C D, K E Baugh, E A Kihn, H W Kroehl and E R Davis (1997) “Mapping city lights with night-time data from the DMSP operational linescan system”, Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing, 63(6): 727-734.
- Feenstra, R C, R Inklaar and M P Timmer (2015) “The next generation of the Penn World Table”, American Economic Review, 105(10): 3150-3182.
- Henderson, J. V., A. Storeygard and D. Weil (2012) “Measuring Growth from Outer Space”,
American Economic Review, 102(2), pp.994-1028. - Pinkovskiy, M. (2013) “Economic Discontinuities at Borders: Evidence from Satellite Data on
Lights at Night”, Working Paper. - Pinkovskiy, M L and X Sala-i-Martin (2016a) “Lights, camera, … income! Illuminating the national accounts-household surveys debate”, Quarterly Journal of Economics, 131(2): 579-631.
- Pinkovskiy, M L and X Sala-i-Martin (2016b) “Newer need not be better: Evaluating the Penn World Tables and the World Development Indicators using night-time lights”, NBER, Working Paper no 22216.
- Pinkovskiy, M L and X Sala-i-Martin (2016) Shedding light on PPP-adjusted GDP measures
- Harttgen, K., Klasen, S., & Vollmer, S. (2013). An African growth miracle? Or: what do asset indices tell us about trends in economic performance?.Review of income and Wealth, 59(S1), S37-S61.
- Young, Alwyn. “The African Growth Miracle.” Journal of Political Economy 120.4 (2012): 696-739.
- Andy Schmitz, 2012, Geographic Information System Basics, v. 1.0 Creative Commons (homepage)
- Gibson, J., & McKenzie, D. (2007). Using global positioning systems in household surveys for better economics and better policy. The World Bank Research Observer, 22(2), 217-241.
- Travelling the Distance: A GPS-Based Study of the Access to Birth Registration Services in Latin America and the Caribbean
Blog Posts
- Satellite images can map poverty. John Bohannon, Aug. 18, 2016 , Science Magazine.
- Shedding light on PPP-adjusted GDP measures. Maxim Pinkovskiy, Xavier Sala-i-Martin, 26 June 2016. Voxeu.